Emerald TinyMiner

Our community asks us for more Information about mining of Emerald Crypto coins. Now we have developed a solution for everyone who wants to get in touch with mining.
Without making huge investments and pay horrible energy bills.
See the   picture of our setup of the TinyMiner.


The TinyMiner is an open source scrypt miner solution that provides around 3.0 MH/s hashpower and consuming around 8 Watt. It based on the open source projects BFGMiner, RPi-Monitor, Minera. You can start mining quick and easy.


Find a list of needed hardware, a calculation of energy consumption, a schematic for connection and some useful links on this  Table.
Get the Software image of TinyMiner running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W   here.


The TinyMiner software is running on a Raspberry Pi. We recommend to use a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

  1. download the image file
  2. write it on the sd card (for Windows use Win32 Disk Imager)
  3. edit on the sd card with notepad++ two files
        set your EMD Wallet
        ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  4. connect your OTG cable with the FutureBit Moonlander 2 / TTBIT Scrypt usb miner stick and your powersupply on the Raspberry Pi
  5. the Raspberry Pi is booting
  6. find the ip address of your Raspberry Pi on your (W)Lan
  7. visit your Raspberry Pi website by entering HTTP://RPi_IP on your browser


Please send us your ideas and questions on Telegram or Discord.

Where to buy

Futurebit Moonlander 2 usb miner stick
      for german buyers
      for US buyers

TTBIT Scrypt usb miner stick
      for buyers on eBay         User Guide [800Kb]

More links on this  Table

The TinyMiner is not a product. We provide only the howto of an open source mining solution for Emerald Crypto.
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Foundation. Moonlander 2 is a trademark of FutureBit.